Vera Gang Scott Collection - CSPM

Vera Gang Scott Collection



Box 1

(1)1 Photographs-Vera Gang Scott, Friends & Family #1: Black & white and color photographs depicting Vera G. Scott in various stages of her life. Includes pictures of her father, mother, husband, friends & family members.

(1)2 Photographs– Vera Gang Scott, Friends & Family #2: Black & white and color photographs depicting Vera G. Scott in various stages of her life. Includes pictures of her father, mother, husband, friends & family members. Also includes street scenes and buildings pertaining to the Scott Family.

(1)3 Photographs– Vera Gang Scott, Friends & Family #3: Black & white and color photographs depicting Vera G. Scott in various stages of her life. Includes pictures of her father, mother, husband, friends & family members. Also includes a black & white rolled banquet photograph circa 1950 and ink drawing of Garfield School in 1886.

(1)4 Photographs-Overseas: Color photographs of Vera G. Scott’s travels.

(1)5 Photographs-Garfield Elementary School: Color photographs of students, teachers and classroom’s at Garfield Elementary School circa 1960-1970.

(1)6 Photographs-Medallion West Nursing Home: Color photographs of Vera G. Scott and her friends during her stay at Medallion West circa 1993-2001.

(1)7 Photographs-Honoring Vera Gang Scott: Color photographs of dinners and awards in her honor.

(1)8 Mounted Photographs #1: Black & white and color photographs of Vera G. Scott, her friends & family. All photographs are in folders or mounted.

(1)9 Mounted Photographs #2: Black & white and color photographs of Vera G. Scott, her friends & family. All photographs are in folders or mounted.

(1)10 Framed Photographs: Gold trimmed, double frame with pictures of Vera G. Scott & friends.

(1)11 Negatives: Black & white and color negatives of some of the pictures in the collection.

(1)12 Documents and Correspondence: Letters about family genealogy, letters about donations and personal correspondence.

(1)13 Photocopied Documents: Pertaining to the life and death of Vera G. Scott and the school named after her.

(1)14 The Negro Historical Association of Colorado Springs: Letters to Vera G.

(1)15 Democrat Postcards: Replica’s of color photographs of President Bill Clinton, Al Gore & his wife, Al Gore & Joseph Lieberman, and Al Gore & Joseph Leiberman and their wives.

(1)16 Booklet: Colorado Springs Public Schools 1956-1957.

(1)17 Name Badge: 75th Birthday Celebration for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority name badge for Vera G. Scott.

(1)18 Obituaries & Memorial Services: For Vera G. Scott, friends & family.

(1)19 Envelopes: Ephemera collection of photo processing envelopes circa 1960-1990.

(1)20 Newspaper Clippings: Pertaining to the life, stories and death of Vera G. Scott.

(1)21 Postcards: Bust of Queen Nofretete and of Pine Woods School.

(1)22 Greeting Cards: From UNCF, ex-students, friends & family.


Box 1

  • Photographs: Black and white photograph of Cecil Scott in high school, color photographs of a group of children, Vera Gang Scott and the inside of a church.
  • Postcards: Most depict holy sites in the middle east, some depict the statue of liberty and other U.S. monuments. Includes a few from the Pikes Peak Region.
  • Voices & Visions Cassette Tape: Taped interview with Vera Scott done by the Pioneers Museum.
  • Clippings: Pertaining to Garfield school and Vera Gang Scott.
  • Graduation Yearbook: St. Augustine’s College (1935) Includes class photograph.
  • Ephemera: Sorority card, ID card and a calling card.
  • Greeting Cards: Unopened cards depict the front of the public library and two unopened photograph cards depict a church’s interior and exterior.
  • Clips and Pins: Money clip, sorority clips and pins.


Box 1

  • Ephemera: Business cards, notepads, airplane menus, restaurant menu, letterheads, Clipper Jet-Route map, trip book.
  • Vera Gang Scott Events: Scholarship fund, book: The Gang of One opening, reception in Vera’s honor.
  • Certificates: Sororities, NHACS, American Indian Relief Council, and Volunteering.
  • Handwritten Notes: Phone numbers, reminders, greeting and thank you notes.

(1)5 Address Books: Delta Sigma Theta sorority, travel diary, blue books of telephone numbers, and District 11 directories.

  • Games: Apple game and Grandfriends Trivia.
  • (1)7 Awards: Special Honor and First place from the State Arts & Crafts department of the S.A.C.W.
  • Personal Identification: Passports and library card belonging to Mrs. Scott.
  • (1)9 Photographs & Negatives: Black and White, Hand colored and color photographs depicting Vera & Cecil Scott, students, friends, acquaintances family, buildings, paintings and Vera G. Scott elementary school. Includes color negatives of Vera speaking.

Personal Correspondence #1: From friends, family and students.

(1)11 Personal Correspondence #2: From friends, family and students.

(1)12 Business / Legal Correspondence: From friends, family and students.

  • Vera Scott’s History: Family tree, life story and memorandum of disposition.
  • Postcards / Bookmarks: Medallion West nursing home, Washington D.C., Jimmy Carter, and Costa Rica depicted on postcards. Indian Prayer and Cheyenne Village depicted on bookmarks.
  • Programs: Grace Episcopal Church, Parish directory, special events and sororities.
  • Booklets: Sororities, Constitution & by-laws and the Art Club.
  • Clippings: Pertaining to Vera Gang Scott and Garfield school.
  • Newsletters & Newspapers: Pertaining to Vera Scott, charitable organizations and politics
  • Magazines: Pertaining to Sororities, politics, charities, history and Texas.

Box 2

Bibles: 4 bibles, 2 in boxes.


Franklin’s Auto-Biography by Benjamin Franklin

When I Look Back by C.C. Morris

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam by Edward Fitzgerald

Boston University School of Social Work ? Alumni Directory

Cow Country Gourmet – A Flying W Story by Marian L. Wolfe

A Quiet Work – One hundred years of the W.E.S. by The Women’s Educational Society of the Colorado College.

Scrapbooks: 3 scrapbooks entitled Delta Sigma Theta 1976, 75 years 1912-1987 and a gold book from Garfield elementary 1976.

Removed from the Collection

Poster: Depicts Garfield school in 1976. (Placed in Oversized Graphics 22-5)

Framed Pictures: Color photograph of Garfield school in a black frame and pastel drawings of Vera and Cecil Scott in light wood frames. (Placed in SCLH Framed Collection)