Box 1
1(1) School: Booklets & programs pertaining to school activities & sports. Includes: Palmer Method Writing Lessons for Primary Grades, American School Songs, Junior Recital at the Colorado School for the Deaf & Blind (1938), Wasson High School Commencement (1978), Harrison Commencement (1977), Colorado Springs High School Commencement (1955), Terrors vs. Centennial football program (1957), and the Colorado Springs High School vs. North Denver (1952).
1(2) Report Cards: Report cards for Phyllis Mansfield (1943 & 1944-1945), Charles Montgomery (1943, 1945, 1946, & 1947), Harold Mansfield (1940, 1941, 1942- 1943, 1944-1945 & 1946-1947), Patsy Montgomery (1947), & Harold Montgomery (1945-1946 & 1946-1947)
1(3) Correspondence: Includes letters to Mrs. William H. Huft, Grandpa & Grandma from Les Montgomery, Mrs. Elvina Montgomery from mother, and a birth announcement for Charles Wesley Montgomery. Also includes letters to Mr. & Mrs. H.V. Montgomery Sr. from SSgt. H.V. Montgomery Jr., Sis & Marjorie, and a birth congratulations from Aunt Agnes & Fred. There are also letters addressed to Harold Montgomery Sr. from Les (Leslie) Montgomery, Mrs. Laura Beavers, and Uncle Moe.
1(4) Holiday Cards & Postcards: Thanksgiving correspondence from Mrs. Hines to Laura Montgomery, Christmas correspondence from Mother to Harold Montgomery & family, and from Harold, Elvina & Family, the Industrial Arts Department at the Colorado Springs High School, the Cub Scouts, and a Christmas card with children on the front and a Christmas gift tag with a ribbon
1(5) Certificates & Vital Statistics: Certificates for the Cradle Roll for Grace Montgomery & Patricia Ann Mansfield, Farmers Union Exchange, Bible School for Phyllis Mansfield, a Certificate of Promotion for Charles Mansfield. Also includes driver’s licenses from Harold Mansfield and Harold V. Montgomery, and a Zales credit card for Harold Montgomery.
1(6) Bills & Receipts: Documents from the Marksheffel Motor Company from Harold Montgomery, and to Mrs. Carpenter from Harold & Mrs. Mansfield, the Vollmer Brothers to Mrs. Harold Montgomery, Hibbard & Company, a meter deposit receipt, and a War Bond Savings account statement for Harold Mansfield.
1(7) Ration Stamps & Booklets: World War II ration booklets & stamps issued to Freely & Laura Beavers, and Site Stamps.
1(8) Photographs (Identified): Black and white photographs pertaining to the Montgomery and Mansfield families. Names and/or dates are written on the back.
1(9) Photographs (Unidentified): Black and white photographs pertaining to the Montgomery and Mansfield families. There are no names or dates.
1(10) Photographs: Black and white folder photographs, includes a photograph & birth announcement for Teresa Marie Bowers, 2 unidentified children, a baby, a woman with a swastika design below her picture, and a young man. There is also a tintype of two young girls and a picture album from 1955.
1(11) Negatives: Black and white negatives pertaining to the Montgomery and Mansfield families’ photographs.
1(12) Ephemeral Envelopes & Notebooks: Includes an envelope from the Vollmer Brothers to Mrs. Harold Montgomery, Kodak and Kodak Verichrome film folders (one is from the Deits Bros)., a Peak-Tone Prints folder, an empty photo folder, notepads from May Realty, Money to Loan, Mule-Hide Roofs, and the Gazette Telegraph, memorandum books from Newton Lumber & Manufacturing Co., Our Diamond Leader, Banner Posts, and American Fence. Also includes the Farmers Pocket Ledger.
1(13) Ephemera: Includes a blank form, handwritten notes, a small painting of a rabbit, a booklet & folder from Nelson Bros. Service, a pamphlet In Remembrance for Ross E. Lane (1980), a small 1949 calendar with choir boys on the front, a feeding calculator for average babies, a contract/guarantee for “The Free” Sewing Machine Company, a membership card for Uncle Zeb’s Ranch, and tickets for admission to the Isis Theater and commencement for the Colorado Springs High School (1947). Also includes trading cards that depict Wild Bill Hickok, Kansas City Chiefs, a Battle Card, and White Bear of the Kiowa tribe.
1(14) Souvenirs: Booklets & pamphlets from the Cripple Creek Trip via the scenic Midland Terminal Railway, Pikes Peak by Auto, Alexander Film Co. Behind the Scenes, and “The Face on the Bar Room Floor” for the Cottage Inn.
1(15) Colorado Maps & Guides: Booklets pertaining to state and city travel. Includes: Rocky Mt. Greeters Guide (1968), Denver Map Guide, Pocket Guide to the City of Denver, and Highways of Colorado.
1(16) Postcards: Postcards from Hebron, Nebraska, depicting the White Sox baseball team, the Bruin Inn, and the First Presbyterian Church in Colorado Springs, CO, Cripple Creek, CO, and a Victorian design with 2 children eating apples.
1(17) Newspaper Clippings: Includes and article on Mrs. Minnie Hale, Ivywild Zoo & Bathhouse John, preparing your roses for winter, a picture of the El Paso County Courthouse (1946), how to make a lawn roller, the Beavers – Ficken Wedding, a happy birthday wish for M.W. Spohn, a framed picture of the Cheyenne Building pertaining to Urban Renewal (1968), obituaries, and an article titled, Good Paint Brush Well Worth Cost.
1(18) Advertising: Includes business cards from Price & Teeple Pianos, Richard C. Leedom (Builder), Morton’s Iodized Salt, The Pikes Peak Floral Company, K-F-U-M Radio, U.S. Tires, Colorado Springs Equipment Co., The El Paso Cleaners & Dryers, and Lily Salt, fans with advertising on it from Putnam Fadeless Dyes & Tints, and Duncan’s Café, and folding business card/pamphlets from Mutual Reserve Insurance Company, the Cottage Inn in Estes Park, CO, and Robbins on the corner. Also includes booklets from Swift’s Fertilizers, and Don’t Quarrel-Dunk, a donut ad produced by the Piggly Wiggly.
1(19) Political Advertising: Campaign cards for Leonard W. Colby, Harry W. Hoth, and Harriet Beals. Also includes a flyer for Keith Neville.
1(20) Religious: Includes a small card with dried flowers attached to it labeled: Flowers from the Holy Land. Also includes poems, a short story and a small booklet on becoming a Christian.
1(21) Quiz Booklets: Booklets titled: Do you Know? Trivia & Statistics, Quiz Jr.: Railroad Questions & Answers, The New Penetro Book of Facts and General Information Quizzes.
1(22) Recipes: Booklets on How to Mix Drinks by James C. Maloney, Table Treats: Good Things to Eat and How to Prepare Them by the C.F. Sauer Company, Fruits & Candies by Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company.
1(23) Sports: Booklets and programs pertaining to sports. Includes; Falcon Blue Book produced by the United States Air Force Academy, a hockey program- Colorado College vs. University of Denver (1959), and the Official Rules of Softball (1949)
1(24) Sky Sox: Includes 18 programs from the 1950s, 1952-1954 Game Schedules, scorecards, poems, and line-ups.
1(25) Miscellaneous: Includes booklets pertaining to various subjects such as Grasshopper-Bait Tests in Colorado, Complete Instructions in Photography, Health for Man and Domestic Animals, Common Speech by the English Speaking Union of the United States, Embroidery Lessons with Colored Studies, DeWitt’s 200 Year Calendar and Book of Horoscopes and Useful Information, and Post-Script by the Paint Supply & Glass Company. Also includes booklets with stories such as The Key of Her Flat, and Famous Fairy Tales for Children.
Box 2
The Columbian World’s Fair Atlas 1893: Book contains maps of the world, oceans, continents, cities, states, countries and biblical times. It also includes statistics, history and information about the fair & fair grounds and the world in general.
Political Campaign Poster: Oversized poster reads: Re-Elect Vice President John N. Garner with a drawn portrait of the candidate in the center.
Box 3
Framed Photographs: Black and white photographs pertaining to the Montgomery and Mansfield families including pictures of Grandma & Grandpa Norman, The Norman & Montgomery families, Myrtle Jones & Hattie Miller, H.V. Montgomery & Lloyd Mittan, and some unidentified pictures of a young boy, a man in a safari hat, a woman in front of a bush, and a young boy with “Helen Hunt Grade 2” written on the back. Also includes hand colored photographs of a woman on a horse, and the horse by itself.