Nellie Burget Miller Collection - CSPM

Nellie Burget Miller Collection

Extent: 14 cubic feet

Finding Aid Prepared By: Tiffany T. Shipp, March 2000

Provenance: The materials in this collection were acquired from Mr. James Ciletti of Aamstar Books. The original accession and a later accretion have been interfiled.

Arrangement: As no original order could be established, materials from accession and accretion have been interfiled in an imposed order.

Copyright: The materials in the collection may be assumed to be copyrighted by the creator of those materials. The museum advises patrons that it is their responsibility to procure from the owner of copyright the permission to reproduce, publish, or exhibit these materials. The owner of the copyright is presumed to be the creator, his or her heirs, legates, or assignees. Patrons must obtain written permission from the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum to reproduce, publish, or exhibit these materials. In all cases, the patron agrees to hold the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum harmless and indemnify the museum for any and all claims arising from the use of the reproductions.

Restrictions: The Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum reserves the right to examine proofs and captions for accuracy and sensitivity prior to publication with the right to revise, if necessary. The Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum reserves the right to refuse reproduction of its holdings and to impose such conditions as it may deem advisable in its sole and absolute discretion in the best interests of the museum. Oversized and/or fragile items will be reproduced solely at the discretion of the Archivist. Under no circumstances will more than 25% of any one collection be reproduced.

Credit: Reproduction, publication, or exhibition of this work must include the following credit in proximity to the image or in a special section of credits:

The Nellie Burget Miller Collection
The Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum

Biographical Note: Nellie Burget Miller 1875-1952

Nellie Burget grew up in Fayette, Iowa, graduating from high school at the age of fifteen and earning a B.S. from Upper Iowa University in 1894. She married Dr. Lucas A. Miller in 1894 and in 1908 they moved to Colorado Springs. Together they had three children: Dorothy, Arnold, and Muriel Imogene. Dorothy was an accomplished schoolteacher in Denver. Dorothy and husband Frank Benkelman did not have children. Arnold Miller served in World War II and ran a medical practice in Denver. Arnold and his wife Mabel had three children. (See below for background on Muriel Imogene and Dr. L.A. Miller.)

In 1923 Nellie Burget Miller was named Poet Laureate of Colorado, an office she held until her death in 1952. She received an honorary Master of Letters degree from the University of Colorado in 1925, and an honorary Doctorate of Literature from Upper Iowa University in 1945.

Nellie was active in a variety of women’s clubs and service organizations, holding offices at the local, state, and national levels. She founded the Colorado Springs Poetry Fellowship in 1943, an organization in which she remained active until her death. Though her interests and accomplishments were varied, Nellie is best known as a poet. Her writing speaks to her life experiences and reflects an interest in the spiritual and the metaphysical.

Biographical Note: Muriel Imogene Miller Merritt 1910-1993

Muriel Imogene Miller Merritt (referred to in the collection as Imogene) was born and raised in Colorado Springs. She attended Colorado Springs High School, Colorado College, and Stephen’s College. Her baccalaureate degree came from Colorado College in 1930 after which she did some post-graduate work at the University of Iowa in 1930-1931. After a brief period of teaching, Imogene married Dale Merritt in 1933 and settled in Colorado Springs.

Though Imogene dabbled in writing, she most often served as a poetry editor and critic. From the 1940’s through the 1980’s Imogene was very active in the Colorado Springs Poetry Fellowship. She edited the “Poetry Corner” in the Free Press from 1952-1966, and edited the same column in the Gazette Telegraph from 1966-1974. She edited Skylines and Timberlines poetry magazines in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Imogene also conducted the Nellie Burget Miller Memorial Poetry Contest in the early 1960’s.

Biographical Note: Dale Merritt 1910-1971

Dale Merritt attended Fort Morgan High School and graduated from Colorado College in 1932. After serving in World War II he had a long and successful career with Prudential Insurance. He also was a poet and was very active in the Colorado Springs Poetry Fellowship. Dale won a number of poetry awards and was published frequently in the “Poetry Corner” and in local and national poetry magazines.

Biographical Note: Dr. Lucas A. Miller ?-1943

Like Nellie Burget, Dr. Miller grew up in Iowa and graduated from Upper Iowa University. He graduated from Hahnemann Medical College in Chicago in 1898. Dr. Miller practiced medicine in Colorado Springs for over thirty years. Though he specialized in obstetrics, he published articles on a variety of medical topics. Dr. Miller was a member of many medical societies as well as the Rotary and the Masons.

Chronology of Nellie Burget Miller:

1875 – Born in Fayette County, Iowa.

1891 – Graduated high school.

1894 – Graduated from Upper Iowa University with honors.

Married Lucas A. Miller.

1908 – Moved to Colorado Springs.

1921 – Became President of the Colorado Federation of Women’s Clubs.

1923 – Named Poet Laureate of Colorado by Governor Sweet.

Became Chairman of Literature for the National Federation of Women’s Clubs.

1924 – The Flame of God published.

In Earthen Bowls published.

The Living Drama published.

1925 – Received honorary Master of Letters degree from University of Colorado.

1936 – Pictures from the Plains and Other Poems published.

1939 – Edited The North America Book of Verse.

1943 – Compiled Verses for Victory.

1945 – Received honorary Doctor of Letters from Upper Iowa University.

1947 – The Sun Drops Red published.

1950 – In the Tents of the Shepherd Prince published.

1952 – Died in Denver at age 76.

A Swatch of Violets compiled in tribute to Nellie Burget Miller.

Published Works Featuring Nellie Burget Miller:

American Authors and Books. 1640 to the present day. Third revised edition. By W.J. Burke and Will D. Howe. Revised by Irving Weiss and Anne Weiss. New York: Crown Publishers, 1972. (AmAu&B)

American Women Playwrights, 1900-1930. A checklist. Compiled by Frances Diodato Bzowski. Bibliographies and Indexes in Women’s Studies, no. 15. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1992. (AmWomP1)

Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1926 and Yearbook of American Poetry. Edited by William Stanley Braithewaite. New York: G. Sully, 1926. Reprint. Granger Index Reprint Series. Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1972. The “Biographical Dictionary of Poets in the United States” section begins on page 3 of part 4. (AnMV 1926)

Childhood in Poetry. A catalogue, with biographical and critical annotations, of the books of English and American poets comprising the Shaw Childhood in Poetry Collection in the Library of the Florida State University. First edition. By John Mackay Shaw. Detroit: Gale Research, 1967. (ChhPo)

Childhood in Poetry. A catalogue, with biographical and critical annotations, of the books of English and American poets comprising the Shaw Childhood in Poetry Collection in the Library of the Florida State University. First Supplement. By John Mackay Shaw. Detroit: Gale Research, 1972. (ChhPoS1)

Index to Women of the World from Ancient to Modern Times. Biographies and portraits. By Norma Olin Ireland. Westwood, MA: F.W. Faxon Co., 1970.(In Wom)

Who Was Who in America. A component of “Who’s Who in American History.” Volume 3, 1951-1960. Chicago: Marquis Who’s Who, 1966. (WhAm 3)

Who Was Who among North American Authors, 1921-1939. Compiled from “Who’s Who among North American Authors,” Volumes 1-7, 1921-1939. Two volumes. Gale Composite Biographical Dictionary Series, Number 1. Detroit: Gale Research, 1976. (WhNAA)

Series Description

I. Nellie Burget Miller

A. Personal

B. Poet Laureate

C. Writing

D. Club Work

II. Muriel Imogene Miller Merritt

A. Personal

B. Poetry

III. Dale Merritt

A. Personal

B. Poetry

IV. Dr. Lucas A. Miller

A. Correspondence

B. Medical Papers

C. Ephemera

Scope note: The Nellie Burget Miller Collection contains the materials of Nellie Burget Miller and her family. The collection is divided into four series to reflect the creator or owner of the materials: Nellie Burget Miller, Muriel Imogene Miller Merritt (referred to as Imogene Merritt), Dale Merritt, and Dr. Lucas A. Miller. The collection is further organized beginning with folders first, followed by scrapbooks and ending with books and magazines.

The bulk of the collection concerns Nellie Burget Miller. Nellie’s materials include papers and correspondence pertaining to her personal life, her role as Poet Laureate of Colorado, her works as a writer, and her involvement in various organizations.

Imogene’s papers are separated into personal and poetry. The poetry section includes poetry written by Imogene as well as poetry submitted to Imogene as editor, and papers pertaining to her work in local poetry organizations. Dale Merritt’s papers consist of personal papers and poetry, while Dr. Miller’s papers mostly pertain to his medical practice.


Box 1

I. Nellie Burget Miller

Scope note: This series contains materials directly related to Nellie Burget Miller’s life and works. Also included are materials pertaining to family members who do not constitute a separate series, and materials whose ownership could not be determined. The series is divided into four sub-series: Personal, Poet Laureate, Writings, and Club Work.

A. Personal

Scope note: Of particular interest in this sub-series is A Swatch of Violets. This is a book of memorial poems dedicated to Nellie after her death in 1952. Copies of the book can be found in Box A of the book collection.

Arnold Miller’s letters from World War II are interesting, especially a letter he was in the process of writing when he received news of the war’s end. (More war correspondence from both Arnold Miller and Dale Merritt can be found in the scrapbooks in Box 8.)The correspondence from Elizabeth Preston provides insight into Nellie’s interest and involvement in the spiritual/psychic world.

(I)A:1-1 Papers: Biographical nd

(I)A:1-2 Papers: School 1880’s-1894

(I)A:1-3 Papers: School 1880’s-1894

(I)A:1-4 Papers: School-2 notebooks 1891

(I)A:1-5 Papers: Blank notebooks nd

(I)A:1-6 Papers: Alumna and Honorary Degrees, 1923-1955

Upper Iowa University, University of Colorado

(I)A:1-7 Papers: Family – John Burget (brother)

-High School Graduation Invitation – 1886

-Obituary – nd

(I)A:1-8 Papers: Family – Dorothy Miller Benkelman (daughter) 1923

-Senior Thesis

(I)A:1-9 Papers: Family – Dorothy Miller Benkelman 1923-1958

-School Papers

-Woodrow Wilson Essay Contest

(I)A:1-10 Papers: Family – Dorothy Miller Benkelman 1992

-Memorial Book

(I)A:1-11 Papers: Family – Arnold Miller 1914-1978

-School papers


(I)A:1-12 Papers: Family – Newsclippings concerning family nd

(I)A:1-13 Papers: Journal 1937

-Schoolife Composition Book photocopy

(see original in scrapbook collection in box # 8)

(I)A:1-14 Papers: Calendar 1952

(note: from year of her death used as a notepad)

(I)A:1-15 Papers: Guestbook nd

(I)A:1-16 Papers: Political 1918-1928

-League to Enforce Peace

-Invitation to Unveiling of Statue of Andrew Jackson

(I)A:1-17 Papers: Astrology and Numerology nd

(I)A:1-18 Papers: Ancestry Chart compiled by Barbara Guinther 1994

(I)A:1-19 Papers: Obituary and Memorial Program 1952

(I)A:1-20 Papers: Memorial Poems 1952

-includes one copy of A Swatch of Violets

(I)A:2-21 Correspondence: Family 1907-1946

(I)A:2-22 Correspondence: Family nd

-includes letters between Nellie Burget Miller and husband

(I)A:2-23 Correspondence: Family – Imogene Miller Merritt 1927

-letters from Imogene while at Stephen’s College

(I)A:2-24 Correspondence: Family – Arnold Miller 1943-1945

-WWII correspondence

(I)A:2-25 Correspondence: Family – Dale Merritt 1944-1945

-WWII correspondence

(I)A:2-26 Correspondence: Elizabeth Preston 1921

-concerning spiritual/psychic experiences

(I)A:2-27 Correspondence: 1920-1929

(I)A:2-28 Correspondence: 1930-1939

(I)A:2-29 Correspondence: 1940-1049

(I)A:2-30 Correspondence: nd

-includes postcards of various dates

(I)A:2-31 Correspondence: Greeting Cards

(I)A:3-32a Ephemera: Blank Cards nd

(I)A:3-32b Ephemera: Stationery nd

(I)A:3-33 Ephemera: Note paper and carbon paper nd

(I)A:3-34 Ephemera: Envelopes 1924-1952

(I)A:3-35 Ephemera: Scrap paper, newsclippings, collection envelopes nd

(I)A:3-36 Ephemera: Magazine clippings – art nd

(I)A:3-37 Ephemera: Articles and Advertisements 1940’s-1950’s

(I)A:3-38 Ephemera: Invitations and Programs 1921-1949

(I)A:3-39 Ephemera: Church publications 1923-1949

(I)A:3-40 Ephemera: Radio instructions and call letters nd

(I)A:4-41 Photographs:

-3 black and white photographs from Bob Beebe – nd

-1 black and white photograph of Mary L. Brown – 1934

-1 black and white photograph of Walter D. Russell – nd

B. Poet Laureate

Scope note: The Poet Laureate sub-series contains letterhead, publicity materials, and correspondence pertaining to the Office of Poet Laureate. Also included in this section are requests from writers for assistance with their writing, and poems submitted for critique. Files on individual people contain poetry, newsclippings, and correspondence concerning the individual in question.

(I)B:1-42a Letterhead nd

(I)B:1-42b Letterhead nd

(I)B:2-43 Publicity: Biographical information and newsclippings nd

(I)B:3-44 Correspondence: Office of Poet Laureate 1923-1940

(I)B:3-45 Correspondence: Requests from writers 1923

(I)B:3-46 Correspondence: Requests from writers 1924-1928

(I)B:3-47 Correspondence: Requests from writers nd

Box 2

(I)B:4-48 Submitted poems nd

(I)B:4-49 Submitted poems nd

(I)B:5-50 Poetry: Newsclippings nd

(I)B:5-51 Robert Coffin materials nd

(I)B:5-52 Grace Noll Crowell materials 1938-1948

(I)B:5-53 Jacob Hauser materials 1948-1949

(I)B:5-54 Walter D. Russell materials nd

C. Writings

Scope note: This sub-series contains the works of Nellie Burget Miller as a writer and speaker, as well as correspondence and materials pertaining to these roles. It should be noted that publishing correspondence, legal agreements, and royalty receipts related directly to a specific manuscript have been kept with the manuscript. Of interest are the various pen names Nellie used for her short stories.

(I)C:1-55 Correspondence: 1900-1919

(I)C:1-56 Correspondence: 1920-1929

(I)C:1-57 Correspondence: 1930-1939

(I)C:1-58 Correspondence: 1940-1956

(I)C:1-59 Correspondence: nd

(I)C:2-60 Manuscripts: Plays nd

-The Quest of Light

-Guardians of the Flame

-Fifty Years of Federation

(I)C:2-61 Manuscripts: Plays nd

-Once In A Blue Moon

-The Wondering Scholar from Paradise

-It Seems Like Yesterday

(I)C:2-62 Manuscripts: Plays nd

-Gowns, Heads, and Hearts

-When Mother Played God

-Nothing Ever Happens

-Noted Poet Who Comes To Baylor

(I)C:2-63 Manuscripts: The Blue Moon nd

(includes contract and correspondence)

(I)C:2-64 Manuscripts: Sarai nd

(I)C:2-65 Manuscripts: Sarai nd

(I)C:2-66 Manuscripts: Land Where The Good Dreams Grow nd

(I)C:2-67 Manuscripts: “Thank You God” nd

(I)C:2-68 Manuscripts: “Thank You God” nd

(I)C:2-69 Manuscripts: The Flame of God nd

(I)C:2-70 Manuscripts: Painting With Words nd

(I)C:2-71 Manuscripts: The Inevitable Hour nd

(I)C:2-72 Manuscripts: The Inevitable Hour nd

(I)C:2-73 Manuscripts: In Earthen Bowls nd

(I)C:2-74 Manuscripts: The Sun Drops Red nd

(I)C:2-75 Manuscripts: The Living Drama nd

(I)C:2-76 Manuscripts: Pictures From The Plains and Other Poems nd

(I)C:2-77 Manuscripts: Untitled and incomplete nd

(I)C:2-78 Manuscripts: Untitled and incomplete nd

(I)C:2-79 Manuscripts: Untitled and incomplete nd

(I)C:3-80 Poetry nd

(I)C:3-81 Poetry nd

(I)C:4-82 Short Stories nd

(I)C:4-83 Short Stories nd

(I)C:4-84 Short Stories nd

(I)C:4-85 Short Stories nd

-includes 4 photographs with captions

(I)C:4-86 Short Stories nd

(I)C:4-87 Short Stories nd

(I)C:4-88 Short Stories nd

(I)C:5-89 Articles nd

(I)C:5-90 Articles nd

(I)C:5-91 Articles nd

(I)C:6-92 Radio Scripts 1939-1947

Box 3

(I)C:6-93 Radio Scripts 1930’s-1940’s

(I)C:6-94 Radio Scripts nd

(I)C:7-95 Jingles nd

(I)C:8-96 Reviews: Newsclippings 1923-1952

(I)C:9-97 Press Proofs nd

-typesetting for publishing

-published poems

(I)C:10-98 Bookplates: religious depictions with captions nd

(I)C:11-99 Advertising: Pictures From The Plains and Other Poems nd

(I)C:12-100 Speeches: Literary nd

(I)C:12-101 Speeches: Literary nd

(I)C:12-102 Speeches: Literary nd

(I)C:12-103 Speeches: Literary nd

(I)C:12-104 Speeches: Literary nd

(I)C:12-105 Speeches: Women’s Club nd

(I)C:12-106 Speeches: Gardening nd

(I)C:12-107 Speeches: Foreign countries nd

(I)C:12-108 Speeches: Religious nd

(I)C:12-109 Speeches: Christmas nd

(I)C:12-110 Speeches: notes nd

(I)C:12-111 Speeches: notes nd

D. Club Work

Scope note: This sub-series reflects Nellie’s membership in many literary and civic organizations. These memberships include, but are not limited to, The Women’s Club, The P.E.O., The Poetry Fellowship, and The Portia Club. Rather than being divided according to affiliation, this sub-series is separated into correspondence, papers, publications, and ephemera, and further organized chronologically. Many of the publications were either written or edited by Nellie or contain articles pertaining to her.

(I)D:1-112 Correspondence: Rose V.S. Berry 1921-1926

(I)D:1-113 Correspondence 1920-1923

(I)D:1-114 Correspondence 1924-1926

(I)D:1-115 Correspondence 1927-1929

(I)D:1-116 Correspondence 1930-1939

(I)D:1-117 Correspondence 1940-1952

(I)D:1-118 Correspondence nd

(I)D:2-119 Papers: Articles and newsclippings

(I)D:2-120 Papers: Speaker’s Bureau of El Paso County 1918

(I)D:2-121 Papers: PEO and Penwomen 1917-1944

-By-laws and convention bulletins

(I)D:2-122 Papers: Club assignments nd

(I)D:3-123 Publications 1912-1925

(I)D:3-124 Publications 1926-1930

(I)D:3-125 Publications 1931-1947

(I)D:3-126 Publications nd

(I)D:3-127 Publications: “Studies In Literature” 1923-1927

(I)D:3-128 Publications: Poetry Magazine 1945, 1948

(I)D:3-129 Publications: “Why Bother About Beauty” nd

(I)D:3-130 Publications: “Say It With Books” nd

(I)D:3-131 Publications: “Poetry Corner” 1952

(I)D:4-132 Ephemera: scrapbook and programs 1905-1906

(I)D:4-133 Ephemera: Gazette Telegraph article and undated place card 1922

Box 4

II. Imogene Miller Merritt

Scope note: Imogene’s papers are quite distinct from the rest of the collection. Her portion of the collection speaks more to the history, politics, and poets of her lifetime than it does to her own life. The personal sub-series contains all papers except those specifically related to poetry, which constitute the poetry sub-series.

A. Personal

Scope note: This sub-series spans Imogene’s life from grade school report cards through insurance claims later in life. Papers include things that pertain to every-day life as well as fascinating items of local history.

(II)A:1-1 Papers: School 1910-1918

(II)A:1-2 Papers: School 1919-1926

(II)A:1-3 Papers: School – Colorado College 1926-1930

(II)A:1-4 Papers: School – Colorado College 1938-1990

-Alumna information

(II)A:1-5 Papers: School – Stephen’s College 1929-1930

(II)A:1-6 Papers: School – State University of Iowa 1930-1931

(II)A:1-7 Papers: School – Spanish Notes ca.1930

(II)A:1-8 Papers: School – Essays ca.1930

(II)A:1-9 Papers: School – Class Notes ca.1930

(II)A:1-10 Papers: School – Spanish Exams 1930-1931

(II)A:1-11 Papers: School – “Why I Should Vote” 1929

(II)A:1-12 Papers: School – Thesis 1931

(II)A:1-13 Papers: Family 1955-1960

(II)A:1-14 Papers: Obituary 1993

(II)A:1-15 Papers: Legal papers 1943-ca.1963

(II)A:1-16 Papers: Financial – Bank statements 1947-1987

(II)A:1-17 Papers: Financial – Taxes and bills 1957-1979

(II)A:1-18 Papers: Financial – Receipts 1956-1985

(II)A:1-19 Papers: Financial – Warranties and Owner’s Manuals nd

(II)A:1-20 Papers: Political 1944-1989

(II)A:1-21 Papers: Political – Newsclippings ca.1964

(II)A:1-22 Papers: Political – City Council ca.1963

(II)A:1-23 Papers: Medical 1963-1977

(II)A:1-24 Papers: Medical – Prudential 1971-1972

(II)A:1-25 Papers: Local History 1920-1965

(II)A:1-26 Papers: Invitations and Announcements 1952-1969

(II)A:1-27 Papers: Broadmoor Bonanza 1987

(II)A:1-28 Papers: Myron Stratton Home Triennial Report 1946-1948

(II)A:1-29 Papers: Lloyd Shaw Foundation 1965-1970

(II)A:2-30 Correspondence: Family nd

(II)A:2-31 Correspondence: 1933-1969

(II)A:2-32 Correspondence: 1970-1990

(II)A:2-33 Correspondence: nd

(II)A:2-34 Correspondence: Business 1953-1988

(II)A:2-35 Correspondence: Education – Scholarships and Teaching 1929-1933

(II)A:2-36 Correspondence: University of Oregon 1967

(Request for Acquisition of NBM collection)

(II)A:2-37 Correspondence: Christmas cards 1936-1987

(II)A:2-38 Correspondence: Christmas cards nd

(II)A:2-39 Correspondence: Christmas cards nd

(II)A:2-40 Correspondence: Greeting cards nd

(II)A:2-41 Correspondence: Rough drafts written by Imogene nd

Box 5

(II)A:2-42 Correspondence: Rough drafts written by Imogene nd

(II)A:3-43 Ephemera: Photographs

-1 black and white photograph of Imogene and friends, nd

-1 black and white photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Waddington, nd

-1 black and white Christmas card photograph of Hope Cottage, 1963

-2 black and white photographs of a picnic, nd

-2 black and white photographs of hiking, nd

-4 photographic negatives – cat, tree, D&I, nd

-1 color photograph of Frances M. Lipp, 1963

-1 color photograph of Jakie and Mike, 1973

-10 color Christmas card photographs, ca.1980

(II)A:3-44a Ephemera: Blank greeting cards nd

(II)A:3-44b Ephemera: Blank greeting cards nd

(II)A:3-45 Ephemera: Blank postcards nd

(II)A:3-46a Ephemera: Notepaper and hotel stationery nd

(II)A:3-46b Ephemera: Hotel stationery and convention ephemera ca1963

(II)A:3-47 Ephemera: Church publications nd

(II)A:3-48 Ephemera: Stamps 1965-1980

(II)A:3-49 Ephemera: Calendars 1961-1975

(II)A:3-50 Ephemera: Recipes nd

(II)A:3-51 Ephemera: Music and Art programs and publications nd

(II)A:3-52 Ephemera: Mailings and newsclippings 1916-1983

(II)A:3-53 Ephemera: Materials ca.1960

-includes postcards, place cards, community shelter plan, map, tickets to “To Tell The Truth”(1963)

B. Poetry

Scope note: This large sub-series mostly consists of poems submitted to Imogene as editor of a local poetry column and two poetry magazines, and as organizer of the Nellie Burget Miller Memorial Poetry Contest. The seven folders dedicated to individual people indicate significant numbers of submissions and include some correspondence. All other submissions have been separated and alphabetized, with the exception of poems that represent a definite grouping. These instances include poetry contest submissions and poems comprising a specific issue of a poetry magazine.

(II)B:1-54 Correspondence: Submissions 1956-1973

(II)B:1-55 Correspondence: Poetry Associations 1957-1965

(II)B:1-56 Correspondence: Poets Laureate 1952-1955

(II)B:1-57 Correspondence: Publishers 1954-1966

(II)B:2-58 Poetry by Imogene Miller Merritt nd

(II)B:3-59 Submissions: Robert Cook 1958-1960

(II)B:3-60 Submissions: John King 1969-1970

(II)B:3-61 Submissions: Frances M. Lipp 1966-1974

(II)B:3-62 Submissions: Tom Peace 1964

(II)B:3-63 Submissions: Rufus Porter (The Hard Rock Poet) ca.1961

(II)B:3-64 Submissions: Dorothy Stott Shaw nd

(II)B:3-65 Submissions: Bob Tucker 1963-1966

(II)B:3-66 Submissions: “A” nd

(II)B:3-67 Submissions: “Ba” – “Be” nd

(II)B:3-68 Submissions: “Bf” – “Bz” nd

(II)B:3-69 Submissions: “Ca” – “Cj” nd

(II)B:3-70 Submissions: “Ck” – “Cz” nd

(II)B:3-71 Submissions: “D” nd

(II)B:3-72 Submissions: “E” nd

(II)B:3-73 Submissions: “F” nd

(II)B:3-74 Submissions: “G” nd

(II)B:3-75 Submissions: “H” nd

(II)B:3-76 Submissions: “I” – “J” nd

Box 6

(II)B:3-77 Submissions: “K” nd

(II)B:3-78 Submissions: “L” nd

(II)B:3-79 Submissions: “Ma” – “Mc” nd

(II)B:3-80 Submissions: “Md” – “Mz” nd

(II)B:3-81 Submissions: “N” – “Q” nd

(II)B:3-82 Submissions: “R” nd

(II)B:3-83 Submissions: “Sa” – “Sg” nd

(II)B:3-84 Submissions: “Sh” – “Sz” nd

(II)B:3-85 Submissions: “T” nd

(II)B:3-86 Submissions: “U” – “V” nd

(II)B:3-87 Submissions: “W” – “Z” nd

(II)B:3-88 Submissions: Authors Unknown nd

(II)B:3-89 Submissions: Authors Unknown nd

(II)B:4-90 “Poetry Corner”: newsclippings 1952-1953

(II)B:4-91 “Poetry Corner”: newsclippings 1954

(II)B:4-92 “Poetry Corner”: newsclippings 1955

(II)B:4-93 “Poetry Corner”: newsclippings 1956

(II)B:4-94 “Poetry Corner”: newsclippings 1957

(II)B:4-95 “Poetry Corner”: newsclippings 1958-1959

(II)B:4-96 “Poetry Corner”: newsclippings 1960

(II)B:4-97 “Poetry Corner”: newsclippings 1961

(II)B:4-98 “Poetry Corner”: newsclippings 1962

(II)B:4-99 “Poetry Corner”: newsclippings 1963-1966

(II)B:4-100 “Poetry Corner”: newsclippings nd

(II)B:4-101 “Poetry Corner”: newsclippings nd

(II)B:5-102 Skylines: Correspondence 1957-1963

(II)B:5-103 Skylines: Papers – Creation of Skylines 1959

(II)B:5-104 Skylines: Papers – Newsletters and Indices 1959-1965

(II)B:5-105 Skylines: Papers – Questionnaires nd

(II)B:5-106 Skylines: Papers – Copyrights and Publishing 1959-1963

(II)B:5-107 Skylines: Manuscripts 1959

(II)B:5-108 Skylines: Manuscripts 1960

(II)B:5-109 Skylines: Manuscripts 1960

(II)B:5-110 Skylines: Manuscripts 1961

(II)B:5-111 Skylines: Submitted poems nd

Box 7

(II)B:6-112 Timberlines: Papers and Correspondence 1954-1963

(II)B:7-113 Poetry Fellowship: Papers and Correspondence 1943-1952

(II)B:7-114 Poetry Fellowship: Papers and Correspondence 1953-1962

(II)B:7-115 Poetry Fellowship: Papers and Correspondence 1963-1989

(II)B:7-116 Poetry Fellowship: Papers and Correspondence nd

(II)B:7-117 Poetry Fellowship: Poems nd

(II)B:7-118 Poetry Fellowship: Newclippings – photocopies ca.1955

(II)B:7-119 Poetry Fellowship: Stationery and membership cards nd

(II)B:8-120 Poetry Contests: Judging criteria and writing workshops nd

(II)B:8-121 Poetry Contests: Submitted Poems and Judges Critiques 1960

-Nellie Burget Miller Memorial Contest

(II)B:8-122 Poetry Contests: Submitted Poems and Judges Critiques 1965

-Nellie Burget Miller Memorial Contest

(II)B:8-123 Poetry Contests: Submitted Poems nd

(II)B:8-124 Poetry Contests: Lists of Poets nd

(II)B:9-125 Ephemera: Poetry publications and newsclippings 1911-1972

III. Dale Merritt

Scope note: The papers of Dale Merritt are divided into Personal and Poetry sub-series. The Personal heading contains school papers and insurance papers from his work with Prudential Insurance. The Poetry sub-series contains Dale’s poetry and papers related to The Colorado Springs Poetry Fellowship.

A. Personal

(III)A:1-1 Papers: College 1930-1932

(III)A:1-2 Papers 1936-1970

(III)A:2-3 Insurance: Insurance forms 1946-1963

(III)A:2-4 Insurance: Insurance Policies 1941-1975

(III)A:2-5 Insurance: Benefits plan and Medicare information nd

(III)A:2-6 Insurance: Spark Magazine August 1954

(III)A:2-7 Insurance: Letterhead and business cards nd

(III)A:3-8 Ephemera: Membership and medical cards 1928-1967

(III)A:3-9 Ephemera: Photographs nd

-3 black and white photographs of nature scenes by Clifford Spencer

(III)A:4-10 Obituary 1971

B. Poetry

(III)B:1-11Correspondence 1950-1951

(III)B:2-12 Poems: Manuscript – “Drudge” nd

(III)B:2-13 Poems: Manuscript – untitled nd

(III)B:2-14 Poems nd

(III)B:2-15 Poems nd

(III)B:2-16 Poems nd

(III)B:3-17 Poetry Fellowship: Radio Script nd

(III)B:3-18 Poetry Fellowship: Financial Papers 1964

(III)B:4-19 “Poetry Corner”: newsclippings of Dale Merritt’s poems ca.1955

IV. Dr. Lucas A. Miller

Scope note: Dr. Miller’s papers are organized into Correspondence, Medical, and Ephemera. Of particular interest in his medical papers are his notes on a highly publicized Polio case as well as articles he wrote for publication.

A. Correspondence

(IV)A:1 Correspondence 1916-1939

-includes letter of thanks from Governor Ammons

(IV)A:2 Correspondence 1940-1944

B. Medical

(IV)B:3 Medical notes nd

(IV)B:4 Treatment notes and newsclippings: Krug polio case 1937-1939

(IV)B:5 Articles nd

(IV)B:6 Articles nd

C. Ephemera

(IV)C:7 Certificates, membership lists, graduation announcements 1898-1941

-includes photograph of Dr. Miller

(IV)C:8 Warranties and Owner’s manuals 1936

Box 8

Scope note: This box contains scrapbooks and notebooks owned by Nellie Burget Miller. Most of the notebooks contain lists of names and records of poems submitted for publishing. Some scrapbooks focus on literature, and some on club work. Of particular note is the boxed scrapbook entitled “My Days and Their Activities, 1942, 1942, 1944, and 1945.” In addition to a multitude of news clippings this scrapbook contains some war correspondence from Arnold Miller and Dale Merritt as well as obituaries of Dr. L.A. Miller.

Burgundy and Black Ledger Book – poetry and writing scrapbook

Blue-gray Book – Shakespeare scrapbook – “Thirty Shakespeare Evenings”

Blue Scrapbook – Club work

Black Address Book – notes on writers

2 Small Brown Spiral Notebooks – submission records and lists of names

Small Brown “Key” Notebook – submission records and lists of names

2 Green Spiral “Key” Notebooks – submission records

Blue Spiral Notebook – list of names

Small Scholastic Notebook – submission records

2 Service Writing Tablets – expenses and writing notes

Black Leather Datebook – 1917 – notes on writers and writing, lists of expenses, submission records

Black Physician’s Visiting List – submission records and lists of names

The Book Adman’s Calendar – scrapbook on writers and writing

Red and Beige Francis Bacon Book – scrapbook on writers and writing

Schoolife Composition Book – journal from January 1937

Green-gray Colorado Springs, Colorado Book – club work scrapbook

Black Book – Shakespeare scrapbook

Burgundy Book – Shakespeare scrapbook

Large Green Spiral Sketchbook – watercolors by Nellie Burget Miller

Large Black Book – club work and writing scrapbook

Country Scene Scrapbook – newsclippings, published poems, and club work

Boxed Scrapbook – “My days and their activities; 1942, 1943, 1944, and 1945” – all-purpose scrapbook

Box 9

Scope note: This box contains scrapbooks and notebooks owned by Imogene and Dale Merritt. The accordion file contains club publications dating back to the 1920’s, which likely belonged to Nellie. Of particular interest is Imogene’s high school scrapbook, which contains many photographs.

Accordion File – Poet’s Corner clippings 1963-1966, club publications and articles, lists of poems submitted to Imogene

Black Leather Notebook – poetry scrapbook given to Dale from Nellie May 30, 1948

2 Brown Leather Binders – notebooks of Imogene’s

Empty Black Binder

Essentials of Spanish Grammar notebook – 1928

Colorado Springs High School scrapbook – ca. 1926

2 Black 3-ring Binders – Imogene’s notes

Boxes A – E

Scope note: The boxes lettered A through E contain books, magazines, and pamphlets. The published items most closely associated with Nellie Burget Miller are at the beginning, followed by books owned by family and finishing with numerous volumes of poetry magazines.

In addition to the published works of Nellie Burget Miller, Box A contains books featuring Nellie’s poems and books dedicated to Nellie. Also of particular note are Verses for Victory and A Swatch of Violets. Verses for Victory is a collection of poems compiled by Nellie during World War II. A Swatch of Violets is a book of memorial poems dedicated to Nellie.

Boxes B, C, and D contain books, magazines and pamphlets owned by Nellie and family members. Box B also contains a box of notecards containing addresses, membership dues, and publishing records. Included in Box C are two containers of assorted club publications and a box of church collection envelopes dated 1971.

Box E houses most of the poetry magazines from the collection. Many magazines have page numbers written on the front cover that indicate poetry of Nellie’s featured inside. Of note in this box are Skylines and Timberlines, which were edited by Imogene and include poems written by Dale Merritt.

Box A

Anthology of Magazine Verse, William Stanley Braithwaite,1928

Bright Destiny, Grace Noll Crowell (autographed), 1936

The Cosmic Age Is Dawning, Vida Reed Stone (autographed), 1952

Fifty Famous Women, Clyde Robertson (autographed), 1936

A Flame in the Wind*, Grace Noll Crowell (autographed), 1930

*letter enclosed

The Flame of God, Nellie Burget Miller (autographed), 1924

Gumbo Lilies, Margarette Ball Dickson (autographed), 1924

Homeward Songs By the Way, A.E. (autographed), nd

In the Tents of the Shepherd Prince*, Nellie Burget Miller, 1950 *autographed

In the Tents of the Shepherd Prince*, Nellie Burget Miller, 1950

*signed to Elva

Life of an Ordinary Woman, Anne Ellis (autographed copy), 1929

The Living Drama, Nellie Burget Miller, 1924

Mephistopheles Puffeth the Sun Out, Lucile Vernon, 1920

The North America Book of Verse, edited by Nellie Burget Miller, 1939

One Man and a Dream, Margarette Ball Dickson (autographed) nd

Patterns for Poems, Margarette Ball Dickson (autographed), 1938

The Peterborough Anthology, Marion MacDowell (autographed), 1923

Pictures From the Plains and Other Poems, Nellie Burget Miller, 1936

Pierre, Virginia Kent Cummins (autographed), 1949

Quenched Fire, Ann Woodbury Hafen (autographed), 1937

Silver Souvenir, Poetry Society of Colorado, 1946

Song Consum?mate, Christina, 1950

The Sun Drops Red, Nellie Burget Miller (see back cover), 1947

They Rise Accusing, Clyde Robertson (autographed), 1930

Tumbleweeds, Margarette Ball Dickson (typed dedication), 1926

Wild Iris, Odes and Lyrics, Lisbeth Fish (autographed), 1936

Magazines and Pamphlets

Different (2), March-April 1950, September-October 1950

The Village Magazine, Vachel Lindsay (autographed), nd

Untitled manuscript bound by string

Verses for Victory (4), compiled by Nellie Burget Miller, 1943

A Swatch of Violets (9), booklet of memorial poems dedicated to Nellie Burget Miller, 1952

Box B

ABC Guide to London, nd

Across the Years, Lenore Cooper (autographed), 1951

Affirmations and Denials of the Spiritual Life, Rev. Franklyn Cole Sherman, 1923

Answered Prayers, Louise W. Eggleston, 1949

At the Feet of the Master, Alcoyne, nd

Beads of Namaqua, Jean Milne Gower (autographed), 1923

The Beneficent Law of Life, Vida Reed Stone, 1949

Blueprint for Peace, Newsweek Educational Bureau, nd

Book of Silent Prayer, 1925

A Book of Verses, Fonetta Flansburg (autographed), nd

The Books of the New Testament, H.A.A. Kennedy, 1917

The Books of the Old Testament, John Scrimger, 1908

Breezy Norfolk Coast, nd

Brief Aprils, Edythe Hope Genee (autographed), 1947

California Color, Gertrude Helen Crawford (autographed), 1942

Candles in the Night, Poetry Society of Colorado, 1936

Child of the Frontier, Emma Levinger, 1925

Children of Israel, Tracy Mygatt, 1922

Choice Extracts, Rev. F.B. Meyer, 1890

Chuch Without Walls, John Harsen Rhoades, 1940

Coronado, Pearle R. Casey (autographed), 1940

Cosmic Motherhood, Harvey Hardman, 1931

The Divine Plan, Glenn Clark, nd (pamphlet)

Dry Those Tears, Robert A. Russell, nd

Ellen and the Old Songs, John Henderson Geddes, 1923

Emerson on Swedenborg, Ralph Waldo Emerson, nd

Facing West, Pearle R. Casey (autographed), 1936

Finding the Christ in Ourselves, H. Emilie Cady, nd

Flamingo, Vivian Yeiser Laramore (autographed), 1932

Floodmark, Jamie Sexton Holme (autographed), 1930

Fool’s Gold, Clyde Robertson (autographed), 1934

Forest and Fairy Fancies*, William Harper Huff, 1927

*signed by Madge Huff and Ida Lee

Forward, 1942

Fourteen Poems, D. Appleton and Company, nd (pamphlet)

From Jest to Earnest, E.P.Roe, 1875

Geography and History of Nova Scotia, John B. Calkin, MD, 1878

The Gist of New Thought, Paul Ellsworth, 1916

God’s Perfect Way For You, Hazel Pickett (autographed), 1949

The Golden Galleon Anthology for 1924, Alfred Fowler, 1924 (pamphlet)

Guide to Ripon Spa, nd

Hafto, Neva M. Hagemen (autographed), 1928

The High Cost of Hate, Ralph Townsend, 1939

The House of Gold*, Alice Wilson Oldroyd (autographed), 1926

*dedicated to Nellie Burget Miller

How Dreams Come True, Glenn Clark, 1947

How To Be Plump, T.C. Duncan, M.D., 1878

I Shall Fare Forth*, Eugene D. Preston, 1926

*signed by Elizabeth Preston Henderson

The Impersonal Life, Sun Publishing Company, nd

In a Minor Key, Julia May Courtney (autographed), 1940

Inner Vision, Unity School of Christianity, 1925

Kaleidoscope, Jean Milne Gower (autographed), 1923

Kimball’s Business Speller, Gustavus Kimball, 1905

The Last Word, Cyrus E. Albertson, 1944 (pamphlet)

A Legend of Santa Francesca, L.D.S. Spalding (2 copies), 1893

Letters To You, Vida Reed Stone (autographed), 1949

Life’s Lesson, Cole, 1854

Light on the Path, M.C., 1919

A Little Souvenir, J.C. Davis, 1921

The Lord’s Prayer, Glenn Clark, 1932

Maker of Souls, Faith Van Valkenburgh (autographed), 1924

Manual of Prayer, V.P.Randall, 1948

Mental Engineering, Harvey Hardman, 1936

The Message of the Great Sea, Wynn Urquhart, 1923

Music Box, Leonard McDonald (autographed), 1937

Notes on the Catherdrals – Ripon, W.H. Fairbanks, nd

Notes on the Catherdrals – York, W.H. Fairbanks, nd

Notes on the Southern Catherdrals, The Photochrom Company, Ltd., 1904

Plain English Handbook, J. Martyn and Anna Kathleen Walsh, 1951

Plays for Children, Row, Peterson, and Company, 1947

Poems, Milton S. Rose (autographed), 1928

Revealment, Julia May Courtney (autographed), 1938

The Romance of Hooked Rugs, James Garofalo, nd

The Root and Flower of Prayer, Roger Hazelton (autographed), 1943

?Round the World, Lucy Vessey (autographed), 1937

The Round-up, Berta Hart Nance, 1926

The Saunder’s Twins, Rev. Carl J.E. Nelson (autographed), nd

The Secret Place, Emmet Fox, 1932

Shawl of Song, Grace Dupree Ridings, 1934

Short Lessons in Divine Science, Nona Brooks, 1923

Silent Partner, Harvey Hardman, 1933

Songs, Mathilde H. Remmert, 1946

Songs of Knollwood, Elizabeth S. Osgood, 1950 (pamphlet)

St. Paul’s Catherdral, Lewis Gilbertson, 1908

Star-dust and Gardens, Virginia Taylor McCormick (autgraphed), 1920

Strangers in My Heart, Mary Buirgy (autographed), 1944

The Sun-bow of San Diego, Satella Jaques Penman, nd

Technique of Answered Prayer, Carroll Rice, 1941

This Thy Golden Day, PEO, nd

Travel Handbook, Hazell, Watson, and Viney, 1909

Twilight Wisdom, John Harsen Rhoades, 1943

Under Rocky Mountain Skies, Irene Welch, 1952

The Universal Order, Friederika Quitman Ogden, 1915

Universal Peace, Peter Kontek (autographed), 1947

Unto the Hills, Flora Louise Hunn (autographed), 1927

Voice of Silence, H.P.B., 1892

Why Don?t You Tell Him So?, Sarah Kirkham McFall, nd (pamphlet)

Winds and Waters, Julia Criswell (autographed), 1936

Word Pictures, Frances B. Cole (autographed), 1946

Your Day and Night, Walter Russell (autographed), 1946

Zinnia Philosophy, Belle Mae Council (autographed), 1920

Also included in Box B:

Box notecards: addresses, membership dues, publishing records, nd

Box C

American Booksellers Association, Annual Convention Program, 1925

The Banqueting Hall, Edinburgh Castle, 1909

Cardiff, nd

Diary, Teddy Barbour, 1937

The Delphian Society, nd

The Eve of St. Agnes, John Keats, 1888

Gifts Preferred (catalogue), nd

A Gossiping Guide to Bolton Abbey, nd

The Infallible Pair, Nuckolls Packing Company, nd

Jamieson’s Guide to Edinburgh Castle, Hugh Jamieson, nd

A Love Letter and Other Poems, Julie (autographed), 1974

Moods and Memories, Mary Frances Jarrett, nd

The 91st Psalm, The Blakely Printing Company, nd

Palmetto Voices, Inez Franck, 1951

Poems of the Palmer Lake Poet, Thelma Feinfrock (autographed), 1968

Poetry and Peanut Butter, Julie (autographed), nd

Pony Express and Other Poems, James Styles, 1942

The Popular Illustrated Bath Guide, Harding and Curtis, Ltd., nd

Reading Guide, The Publisher’s Press, 1929

Reading Guide, The Publisher’s Press, 1930 (2 copies)

Secrets of Selling Verse, Vaida Stewart Montgomery, 1942

Songs of Florida, Lucia Clark Markham (autographed), nd

Untitled – tourbook of Scotland

Upper Iowa University Bulletin, 1940-1941

Vocabulary Building, 1937

When Time Returns, Amelia V. Christeson, 1954

Magazines and Pamphlets:

American Poetry Magazine, 1951

American Poetry Magazine, Christmas 1922

Bitterroot, Summer 1968

Candor, October 1971

The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, 1882

The Colorado Club Woman, February 1923

Folio: A Quarterly of Verse, Spring, 1949

Harper’s Magazine, 1881

The Human Voice, Frederick Smith, 1970

The Modern World, May 1927

The New Age Magazine (2), December 1912, August-September 1944

New Athenaeum, Summer 1949

Official Guide to Carnarvon Castle, Sir Llewelyn Turner, nd

The P.E.O. Record, September 1952

The Poet (4), Summer 1942, Spring 1943, Spring-Summer 1944

Poetry: A Magazine of Verse, August 1943

Poetry Magazine, 1951

The Poetry Review, September-October, 1924

The Southern Clubwoman, nd

Versecraft, November-December 1933

The Westminster Magazine (2), Summer 1952, Autumn 1952

Also included in Box C:

Box of Church Collection Envelopes, Grace Episcopal Church, 1971

Box Ten Cent Pocket Series (26) ca. 1920

2 Boxes Club yearbooks and publications, 1913-1949

Box D

…and I was sensitively touched, John Mette, nd

And the Lamp Went Out, Jessie Palmer Pierce, 1913

Beside the Open Door, Lenore Cooper (autographed), 1956

The Book of Christmas Poetry, Hallmark, nd

A Bouquet of Thoughts, Roy Battocchio, 1955

Catalogue of Rare and Choice Books of Americana, nd

The Child’s World, Helena Chase J. Drea (autographed), 1971

Dare Al Mondo, Laici Oggi, 1991

Denver’s First Christmas (photocopy), Edith Eudora Kohl, nd

Eastern Travel Guide, nd

French Word and Idiom Lists, Lawrence A. Wilkins, 1927

From the Crows Nest, John Harsen Rhoades, 1941

The Happiness Road, Eva May Moss Ullom (autographed), nd

Ideas of Order, George Leite, nd

In A Minor Key, 1940

Jonathan’s Apothegms, John Harsen Rhoades, 1941

Jonathan’s Apothegms, John Harsen Rhoades, 1942

The Legionnaire, Cora Finley Ten Eyck, 1959

Light Verse the Editors Liked, Burge Buzzelle, nd

The Little Road Verses, Ellen Morrill Mills (autographed), nd

Loonshadow, Irma Wassall (autographed), 1949

Lyrics and Meditations, Leonard K. Smith (autographed), 1952

Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe (2), Glenn Clark, 1946

Of Reading Books, John Livingston Lowes, 1929

One Hundred and Fourth Psalm, Aurelia H. Reinhardt, nd

Out of the Distances, Mabel Bowers Rehm (autographed), 1959

The Paintbrush (2), 1946, 1947

Pen Sketches, Elisabeth Crocker Mitchell (autographed), 1972

Portrait-Sculpture, Margret French Cresson, 1930

The Seasonings, Elisabeth Crocker Mitchell (autographed), 1972

Selected Poems, William F. Bair (autographed), nd

Singing Cinquains, Hzen Brown Atkinson (autographed), 1952

Skelly Travel Guide, 1967

Spanish by Radio, Oscar Galeno, 1925

Testimoni Della Ricchezza Dei Doni, Laici Oggi, 1992

Three Mysteries of Jesus, Glenn Clark, 1942

The Time By Dialing, Myron H. Bromwell, 1947

Touraide, 1960

TV Guide, November 22-25, 1963

U.S. History, Oscar Warp and Ruth A. Warp, 1926

Work of Anna Coleman Ladd, 1920

Writer’s Forum 5, Alex Blackburn, 1978

Magazines and Pamphlets:

The American Home, April 1940

Archives of Pediatrics, June 1939

The Childrens Hour, June 1923

Daily Word (2), December 1958, August 1963

fact:, May-June 1966

Frivol, University of Iowa (3), 1930

Football Program – Purdue-Iowa, 1930

Geriatrics, July-August 1946

ideals, Spring 1968

Ideas for Better Living, September 1968

The Larkin Family Magazine (7): August 1908, September 1908, October 1908, November 1908, December 1908, January 1909, February 1909

Laughs and Chuckles, Reader’s Digest, 1964

Medical Times, January 1944

One Tiny Candle, Spring 1951

Penninsula Poets, Poetry Society of Michigan, Winter 1969

People Magazine (2), July 28, 1975 and December 8, 1975

Poetry Florida And…., Summer 1968

The Poet’s Forum, April 1933

Rarity of Congenital Messenteric Cyst, Dr. L.A. Miller, 1935 (pamphlet)

Revista Rotaria, October 1936

The Rotarian, September 1936 (4 copies)

Stephens Standard (2), May 1927, April 1930

Your Health, Winter 1940

Box E

Blue Moon (3): Winter 1947-1948, Winter-Spring 1948-1949, Spring 1950

The Country Poet (5): Autumn 1951, Winter 1951-1952, Spring 1952, Summer 1952, Autumn 1952

Divine Science Monthly (3): October 1945, February 1946, May 1946

Epos (5): Spring 1950, Spring 1951 (4)

The Harp (11): November 1925 (4), March 1926, May 1926 (3), August 1926 (2), September-October 1949

Kaleidograph (4): January 1949, May 1949, March 1950, September 1952

The Lantern (25): October-December 1949 (2), July-September 1949, January-March 1950, April-June 1950 (2), July-September 1950, October-December 1950 (2), January-March, 1951, April-June 1951 (2), October-December 1951, January-March 1952, April-June 1952, July-September 1952 (2), October-December 1952 (2), January-March 1953, April-June 1953, July-September 1953, October-December 1953, April-June 1955, Winter 1955

The Lyric (12): Summer-Autumn 1949, Spring 1950, Summer 1950, Autumn 1950, Spring 1951, Summer 1951, Autumn 1951, Winter 1951, Summer 1952 (2), Winter 1952, Winter 1953

The Lyric West (3): November 1922, November 1923, December 1924

Mind Digest (7): May 1945, November 1945, February 1946* (2), May 1946, July 1946, September 1946

*article written under pen name Ellen B. Miller

The Pen Woman (4): April 1945, May 1948, November 1950, June 1952

Poet Lore (2): Autumn 1947 (2)

The Poetry Chap Book (4): Spring 1951, Summer 1951, Fall 1951, Winter 1951-1952

Skylines (16): Winter 1959, Spring 1960 (2), Winter 1960 (2), Winter 1961 (3), 1962-1963 (4), 1963-1964, 1964-1965 (2), 1972

Southwester (3): February 1938, October 1938, January 1938

Southwestern Lore (4): December 1942, March 1943, December 1943, December 1945

Stanza (4): Winter 1947, Spring 1948, Spring 1949 (2)

Timberlines (36): Spring-Summer 1942, Autumn-Winter 1942-1943 (2), Spring-Summer 1943 (2), Autumn-Winter 1943-1944, Spring-Summer 1944, Winter 1944-1945 (2), Summer 1945 (2), Winter 1945-1946 (2), Summer 1946, Winter 1946-1947, Spring-Summer 1947, Winter 1947-1948 (2), Spring 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955 (3), 1956, 1957 (3), 1958 (3), 1959-1960

The Trail (4): August 1919, April 1920, May 1920, December 1924

Variegation (5): Spring 1948, Summer 1948, Autumn 1948, Winter 1948, Winter 1949

The Winged Word (9), Autumn 1948, Spring 1950, Autumn 1950, Spring 1951 (2), Summer 1951 (2), Autumn 1951, Winter 1952

Wings (12): Autumn 1948, Spring 1949, Summer 1949, Autumn 1949, Winter 1949, Spring 1950, Summer 1950, Autumn 1950, Winter 1950, Summer 1951, Autumn 1951, Winter 1952


ABC Guide to London, nd Box B

Across the Years, Lenore Cooper (autographed), 1951 Box B

Affirmations and Denials of the Spiritual Life, Box B

Rev. Franklyn Cole Sherman, 1923

American Booksellers Association, Annual Convention Program, 1925 Box C

…and I was sensitively touched, John Mette, nd Box D

And the Lamp Went Out, Jessie Palmer Pierce, 1913 Box D

Answered Prayers, Louise W. Eggleston, 1949 Box B

Anthology of Magazine Verse, William Stanley Braithwaite,1928 Box A

At the Feet of the Master, Alcoyne, nd Box B

The Banqueting Hall, Edinburgh Castle, 1909 Box C

Beads of Namaqua, Jean Milne Gower (autographed), 1923 Box B

The Beneficent Law of Life, Vida Reed Stone, 1949 Box B

Beside the Open Door, Lenore Cooper (autographed), 1956 Box D

Blueprint for Peace, Newsweek Educational Bureau, nd Box B

The Book of Christmas Poetry, Hallmark, nd Box D

Book of Silent Prayer, 1925 Box B

A Book of Verses, Fonetta Flansburg (autographed), nd Box B

The Books of the New Testament, H.A.A. Kennedy, 1917 Box B

The Books of the Old Testament, John Scrimger, 1908 Box B

A Bouquet of Thoughts, Roy Battocchio, 1955 Box D

Breezy Norfolk Coast, nd Box B

Brief Aprils, Edythe Hope Genee (autographed), 1947 Box B

Bright Destiny, Grace Noll Crowell (autographed), 1936 Box A

California Color, Gertrude Helen Crawford (autographed), 1942 Box B

Candles in the Night, Poetry Society of Colorado, 1936 Box B

Cardiff, nd Box C

Catalogue of Rare and Choice Books of Americana, nd Box D

The Century Illustrated, Monthly Magazine, 1882 Box C

Child of the Frontier, Emma Levinger, 1925 Box B

Children of Israel, Tracy Mygatt, 1922 Box B

The Child’s World, Helena Chase J. Drea (autographed), 1971 Box D

Choice Extracts, Rev. F.B. Meyer, 1890 Box B

Chuch Without Walls, John Harsen Rhoades, 1940 Box B

Coronado, Pearle R. Casey (autographed), 1940 Box B

The Cosmic Age Is Dawning, Vida Reed Stone (autographed), 1952 Box A

Cosmic Motherhood, Harvey Hardman, 1931 Box B

Dare Al Mondo, Laici Oggi, 1991 Box D

The Delphian Society, nd Box C

Denver’s First Christmas (photocopy), Edith Eudora Kohl, nd Box D

Diary, Teddy Barbour, 1937 Box C

The Divine Plan, Glenn Clark, nd Box B

Dry Those Tears, Robert A. Russell, nd Box B

Ellen and the Old Songs, John Henderson Geddes, 1923 Box B

Emerson on Swedenborg, Ralph Waldo Emerson, nd Box B

The Eve of St. Agnes, John Keats, 1888 Box C

Facing West, Pearle R. Casey (autographed), 1936 Box B

Fifty Famous Women, Clyde Robertson (autographed), 1936 Box A

Finding the Christ in Ourselves, H. Emilie Cady, nd Box B

A Flame in the Wind*, Grace Noll Crowell (autographed), 1930 Box A

*letter enclosed

The Flame of God, Nellie Burget Miller (autographed), 1924 Box A

Flamingo, Vivian Yeiser Laramore (autographed), 1932 Box B

Floodmark, Jamie Sexton Holme (autographed), 1930 Box B

Fool’s Gold, Clyde Robertson (autographed), 1934 Box B

Forest and Fairy Fancies*, William Harper Huff, 1927 Box B

*signed by Madge Huff and Ida Lee

Forward, 1942 Box B

Fourteen Poems, D. Appleton and Company, nd Box B

French Word and Idiom Lists, Lawrence A. Wilkins, 1927 Box D

From Jest to Earnest, E.P.Roe, 1875 Box B

From the Crows Nest, John Harsen Rhoades, 1941 Box D

Geography and History of Nova Scotia, John B. Calkin, MD, 1878 Box B

The Gist of New Thought, Paul Ellsworth, 1916 Box B

God’s Perfect Way For You, Hazel Pickett (autographed), 1949 Box B

A Gossiping Guide to Bolton Abbey, nd Box C

Guide to Ripon Spa, nd Box B

Gumbo Lilies, Margarette Ball Dickson (autographed), 1924 Box A

Hafto, Neva M. Hagemen (autographed), 1928 Box B

The Happiness Road, Eva May Moss Ullom (autographed), nd Box D

Harper’s Magazine, 1881 Box C

The High Cost of Hate, Ralph Townsend, 1939 Box B

Homeward Songs By the Way, A.E. (autographed), nd Box A

The House of Gold*, Alice Wilson Oldroyd (autographed), 1926 Box B *dedicated to Nellie Burget Miller

How Dreams Come True, Glenn Clark, 1947 Box B

How To Be Plump, T.C. Duncan, M.D., 1878 Box B

The Human Voice, Frederick Smith, 1970 Box C

I Shall Fare Forth*, Eugene D. Preston, 1926 Box B

*signed by Elizabeth Preston Henderson

Ideas of Order, George Leite, nd Box D

The Impersonal Life, Sun Publishing Company, nd Box B

In a Minor Key, Julia May Courtney (autographed), 1940 Box B

In the Tents of the Shepherd Prince*, Nellie Burget Miller, 1950 Box A *autographed

In the Tents of the Shepherd Prince*, Nellie Burget Miller, 1950 Box A

*signed to Elva

The Infallible Pair, The Nuckolls Publishing Company, nd Box C

Inner Vision, Unity School of Christianity, 1925 Box B

Jamieson’s Guide to Edinburgh Castle, Hugh Jamieson, nd Box C Jonathan’s Apothegms, John Harsen Rhoades, 1941 Box D

Jonathan’s Apothegms, John Harsen Rhoades, 1942 Box D

Kaleidoscope, Jean Milne Gower (autographed), 1923 Box B

Kimball’s Business Speller, Gustavus Kimball, 1905 Box B

The Last Word, Cyrus E. Albertson, 1944 Box B

A Legend of Santa Francesca, L.D.S. Spalding (2 copies), 1893 Box B

The Legionnaire, Cora Finley Ten Eyck, 1959 Box D

Letters To You, Vida Reed Stone (autographed), 1949 Box B

Life of an Ordinary Woman, Anne Ellis (autographed copy), 1929 Box A

Life’s Lesson, Cole, 1854 Box B

Light on the Path, M.C., 1919 Box B

Light Verse the Editors Liked, Burge Buzzelle, nd Box D

The Little Road Verses, Ellen Morrill Mills (autographed), nd Box D

A Little Souvenir, J.C. Davis, 1921 Box B

The Living Drama, Nellie Burget Miller, 1924 Box A

Loonshadow, Irma Wassall (autographed), 1949 Box D

The Lord’s Prayer, Glenn Clark, 1932 Box B

A Love Letter and Other Poems, Julie (autographed), 1974 Box C

Lyrics and Meditations*, Leonard K. Smith (autographed), 1952 Box D

*papers inserted in front of book

Maker of Souls, Faith Van Valkenburgh (autographed), 1924 Box B

Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe (2), Glenn Clark, 1946 Box D

Manual of Prayer, V.P.Randall, 1948 Box B

Mental Engineering, Harvey Hardman, 1936 Box B

The Message of the Great Sea, Wynn Urquhart, 1923 Box B

Mephistopheles Puffeth the Sun Out, Lucile Vernon, 1920 Box A

Moods and Memories, Mary Frances Jarrett, nd Box C

Music Box, Leonard McDonald (autographed), 1937 Box B

The 91st Psalm, The Blakely Printing Company, nd Box C

The North America Book of Verse, edited by Nellie Burget Miller, 1939 Box A

Notes on the Catherdrals – Ripon, W.H. Fairbanks, nd Box B

Notes on the Catherdrals – York, W.H. Fairbanks, nd Box B

Notes on the Southern Catherdrals, The Photochrom Company, Ltd., 1904 Box B

Of Reading Books, John Livingston Lowes, 1929 Box D

One Hundred and Fourth Psalm, Aurelia H. Reinhardt, nd Box D

One Man and a Dream, Margarette Ball Dickson (autographed), nd Box A

Out of the Distances, Mabel Bowers Rehm (autographed), 1959 Box D

The Paintbrush (2), 1946, 1947 Box D

Palmetto Voices, Inez Franck, 1951 Box C

Patterns for Poems, Margarette Ball Dickson (autographed), 1938 Box A

Pen Sketches, Elisabeth Crocker Mitchell (autographed), 1972 Box D

The Peterborough Anthology, Marion MacDowell (autographed), 1923 Box A

Pictures From the Plains and Other Poems, Nellie Burget Miller, 1936 Box A

Pierre, Virginia Kent Cummins (autographed), 1949 Box A

Plain English Handbook, J. Martyn and Anna Kathleen Walsh, 1951 Box B

Plays for Children, Row, Peterson, and Company, 1947 Box B

Poems, Milton S. Rose (autographed), 1928 Box B

Poems of the Palmer Lake Poet, Thelma Feinfrock (autographed), 1968 Box C

Poetry and Peanut Butter, Julie (autographed), nd Box C

Pony Express and Other Poems, James Styles, 1942 Box C

The Popular Illustrated Bath Guide, Harding and Curtis, Ltd., nd Box C

Portrait-Sculpture, Margret French Cresson, 1930 Box D

Quenched Fire, Ann Woodbury Hafen (autographed), 1937 Box A

Reading Guide, The Publisher’s Press, 1929 Box C

Reading Guide, The Publisher’s Press, 1930 (2 copies) Box C

Revealment, Julia May Courtney (autographed), 1938 Box B

The Romance of Hooked Rugs, James Garofalo, nd Box B

The Root and Flower of Prayer, Roger Hazelton (autographed), 1943 Box B

Round the World, Lucy Vessey (autographed), 1937 Box B

The Round-up, Berta Hart Nance, 1926 Box B

The Saunder’s Twins, Rev. Carl J.E. Nelson (autographed), nd Box B

The Seasonings, Elisabeth Crocker Mitchell (autographed), 1972 Box D

The Secret Place, Emmet Fox, 1932 Box B

Secrets of Selling Verse, Vaida Stewart Montgomery, 1942 Box C

Selected Poems, William F. Bair (autographed), nd Box D

Shawl of Song, Grace Dupree Ridings, 1934 Box B

Short Lessons in Divine Science, Nona Brooks, 1923 Box B

Silent Partner, Harvey Hardman, 1933 Box B

Silver Souvenir, Poetry Society of Colorado, 1946 Box A

Singing Cinquains, Hzen Brown Atkinson (autographed), 1952 Box D

Song Consum?mate, Christina, 1950 Box A

Songs, Mathilde H. Remmert, 1946 Box B

Songs of Florida, Lucia Clark Markham (autographed), nd Box C

Songs of Knollwood, Elizabeth S. Osgood, 1950 Box B

Spanish by Radio, Oscar Galeno, 1925 Box D

St. Paul’s Catherdral, Lewis Gilbertson, 1908 Box B

Star-dust and Gardens, Virginia Taylor McCormick (autgraphed), 1920 Box B

Strangers in My Heart, Mary Buirgy (autographed), 1944 Box B

The Sun Drops Red, Nellie Burget Miller (see back cover), 1947 Box A

The Sun-bow of San Diego, Satella Jaques Penman, nd Box B

Technique of Answered Prayer, Carroll Rice, 1941 Box B

Testimoni Della Ricchezza Dei Doni, Laici Oggi, 1992 Box D

They Rise Accusing, Clyde Robertson (autographed), 1930 Box A

This Thy Golden Day, PEO, nd Box B

Three Mysteries of Jesus, Glenn Clark, 1942 Box D

The Time By Dialing, Myron H. Bromwell, 1947 Box D

Travel Handbook, Hazell, Watson, and Viney, 1909 Box B

Tumbleweeds, Margarette Ball Dickson (typed dedication), 1926 Box A

Twilight Wisdom, John Harsen Rhoades, 1943 Box B

Under Rocky Mountain Skies, Irene Welch, 1952 Box B

The Universal Order, Friederika Quitman Ogden, 1915 Box B

Universal Peace, Peter Kontek (autographed), 1947 Box B

Unto the Hills, Flora Louise Hunn (autographed), 1927 Box B

Upper Iowa University Bulletin, 1940-1941 Box C

U.S. History, Oscar Warp and Ruth A. Warp, 1926 Box D

Vocabulary Building, 1937 Box C

Voice of Silence, H.P.B., 1892 Box B

When Time Returns, Amelia V. Christeson, 1954 Box C

Wild Iris, Odes and Lyrics, Lisbeth Fish (autographed), 1936 Box A

Winds and Waters, Julia Criswell (autographed), 1936 Box B

Word Pictures, Frances B. Cole (autographed), 1946 Box B

Work of Anna Coleman Ladd, 1920 Box D

Writer’s Forum 5, Alex Blackburn, 1978 Box D

Your Day and Night, Walter Russell (autographed), 1946 Box B

Zinnia Philosophy, Belle Mae Council (autographed), 1920 Box B