The museum staff was saddened to hear of the passing of Betty Waldron on September 7, 2023. For over twenty years Betty was a dedicated volunteer that coordinated the museum store operations. She and a hearty group of fellow volunteers operated and made the museum store one of the best independent bookshops in Colorado Springs, which specialized in local history publications. Her work generated revenue that supported museum acquisitions, programs, and staff training. She was also an avid collector, and she donated her collection of Simpich figurines to the CSPM. She also served on the Friends of Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum Board, supported programs and was a Life Member of the CSPM.

In her spare time away from the store, she and her husband, Milt, travelled the world as part of the Semester at Sea program. She was a diehard Broncos fan and threw amazing Kentucky Derby parties. After retiring from her volunteer position with the museum, she remained closely connected as a financial supporter of the CSPM. We will miss Betty’s friendship and appreciate her dedication to our work.
Photo Above Credit: Colorado Springs Gazette Obituary, Betty Waldron.