September Volunteer of the Month: Kathy Moore - CSPM

September Volunteer of the Month: Kathy Moore

Meg Poole, CSPM Program Coordinator

Our September Volunteer of the Month, Kathy Moore, began as a Customer Service Volunteer in the Museum Store in December of 2019. Over the past few years she has also found herself supporting youth and family activities like the Museum Discovery Program for local teens. She loves this Museum and “how it showcases the city of Colorado Springs.” Spending time here as a volunteer has helped her to share her passion for history and “to serve as an ambassador for the wonderful city that has been so good to me.”  She also loves the unique opportunity to help our visitors and provide them with a positive experience during their visits. 

When the staff met to select the September Volunteer of the Month, Museum Store Manage, Leah Koller, immediately thought of Kathy. “Kathy is a delight to work with. She is always friendly and comes in with a smile. She has become an indispensable part of the museum store, always going the extra mile to help staff and customers, alike.” As the Museum has transitioned and adapted throughout the COVID-19 pandemic we have appreciated Kathy’s willingness to take on extra shifts and help with a variety of store projects.

Kathy’s interest in local history lies mostly “in the story of the people and their  influence on the development of a community. The story of the health seekers who came to Colorado Springs to be treated for tuberculosis, many of whom stayed, has always fascinated me.” We are fortunate that she has passed this fascination with the past onto her daughter, Amanda, and granddaughter, Megan. Recently the three generations shared why they support the CSPM for our online Gift of  History event. Amanda first came here as a student researcher and now shares her knowledge as a local elementary teacher. Megan participated in our teen history immersion program and sees the Museum as a place that “sparks creativity and a passion to learn.”

Kathy’s children and grandchildren live in Colorado Springs. She loves spending time with them, “We are always on the move whether it is traveling or taking advantage of the many things Colorado has to offer.” We cannot thank Kathy enough for her enthusiastic support as a volunteer. We are thrilled to honor her as the Volunteer of the Month!

Portrait Photo of Programs Coordinator, Meg Poole.

Meg Poole, CSPM Program Coordinator

Interested in being a Volunteer at the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum? Learn more and Apply Today. 719.385.5631 |