"Monologue from Every Brilliant Thing" by Lynne Hastings - CSPM
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“Monologue from Every Brilliant Thing” by Lynne Hastings

Women have always been creative. Women have always been artistic. Women have always been artists. Yet, their work has remained largely unrecognized. This is not surprising, considering women’s art represents approximately 10% of works collected by museums. 50% of the Story: Women Expressing Creativity transforms the CSPM collection to more accurately reflect the complexity, diversity, and uniqueness of the Pikes Peak region. Using historic artwork and artifacts, alongside contemporary pieces, the 50% exhibit creates a beautiful conversation between women across time, demonstrating how they’ve always told their stories through art and creativity.

– From the CSPM Curator of History

Monologue from Every Brilliant Thing, Lynne Hastings

Artist Statement
Why I am artist now is so different from when I started and, ultimately, decided to be an artist living in Colorado Springs.

Back then, I embraced theatre not only as a creative form of expression, but also as a way to be part of a community. I found a place in the theatre community here, which gave me the professional and personal opportunities that I was searching for in my life at that time.

Now, I am an artist because I want to tell (and hear) a variety of stories, especially from underrepresented communities. I don’t always have to be the storyteller. I just need to be an artistic ally who advocates for the stories that deserve to be told, but tradtionally haven’t. Everyone should have a seat at the table, and I do my part to make that possible through my work on and off stage.