"Illustrious" by Jeresneyka Rose - CSPM
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“Illustrious” by Jeresneyka Rose

Illustrious, Jeresneyka Rose, 2024, Acrylic on Canvas

Artist Statement 

Here’s what I’ve written:
When you don’t know where you came from, you hold on to what you feels like home.
Where your roots have grown, what your family has known…
From the isthmus of Panama to the mountains of Pikes Peak, clarity is what I seek, artistic expression is how I speak.
All I’ve known to be true is this first generation dream to have something new, something different than we all knew.
This story isn’t just about me.
It actually starts with you.
Through your written words and spoken voice, through the brush strokes or instrument of your choice… create.
Tell your story, because one day… that’s all we’ll have… is the story.
The things we leave behind, as it was left to us.
What has inspired us to start & to keep going.
Using the medium you adapted to aide through the growing pains.
The very thing that may have brought distain through the process.
The skill that produces works that hold your secrets and deepest feelings.
The process that brought you love.
Creating helped you step into your power.
You must continue to construct.
From afar, your breath is taken by the beauty, as you inch closer, you see the scars…
The rough that made us, but did not break us.
We are the movers and shakers, the dreamers and makers.
We are the women of the Pikes Peak Region.
It’s about me and you, but more about you…
How you interpret & make…
How you give and take… What’s at stake?Humanity…
Her story…
Your story.