Marshall and E.J. Sprague Scholarship - CSPM

Marshall and E.J. Sprague Scholarship

Applications Due Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Scholarship Description

The Marshall and E.J. Sprague Scholarship is made possible through an endowment to the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum Foundation in honor of Marshall and E.J. Sprague. Each year, up to three individual scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 are awarded to a high school student(s) competing as an individual in the Colorado Springs Regional History Day competition held at Colorado College. The scholarship(s) is/are intended for college-related expenses. Student projects will be judged by their historical quality, the clarity of their presentation, and their demonstrated passion for history.

High School student accepting a scholarship check from Matt Mayberry, CSPM Director
2024 Sprague Scholarship Winner, Rachel Olas and Museum Director, Matt Mayberry
High School student accepting a scholarship check from Matt Mayberry, CSPM Director
2024 Sprague Scholarship Winner, Molly McCandless and Museum Director, Matt Mayberry

Scholarship Eligibility

This scholarship is restricted to participants who are:

  1. Currently in 9th through 12th grade at a local high school;
  2. Competing as an individual in any category at the annual Pikes Peak Regional History Day competition held at Colorado College on March 1, 2025;
  3. Have not previously been awarded the Sprague scholarship.

A statement of agreement must be signed by the scholarship recipient(s) and a parent or guardian acknowledging an intention to attend a two- or four-year, degree-granting, accredited institution and that the money will be used for college-related expenses. Students are not restricted to any specific major. 

Scholarship Guidelines & Requirements

Please note that only the first 12 complete applications will be considered for the scholarship. Submission order will be tracked by the time stamp on the online application.

  • Please complete the online application form at the bottom of this page (you should receive a confirmation email – if you do not that means the submission failed and you must complete the application again)
  • The following materials must be submitted in the application:
    • ALL CATEGORIES: A copy of the process paper and an annotated bibliography 
    • WEBSITES: You are required to provide a link to access your project
    • DOCUMENTARIES and PERFOMANCES: We appreciate a link to access a video of your documentary or a video recording of your performance – we do hope you attend your presentation in-person, but appreciate links if possible
  • Successful applications will be reviewed by the scholarship committee. The decision of this committee is final.
  • Scholarship winner will be announced at the Pikes Peak Regional History Day award ceremony. Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the ceremony.
Portrait Photo of Programs Coordinator, Meg Poole.

Questions? Contact Meg Yevara, Program Coordinator

Scholarship Application - Due Tuesday, February 25, 2025

2025 Sprague Scholarship Application

  • Applicant Information

  • History Day Information

  • We hope to attend your documentary viewing in-person, but do appreciate a link if possible.
  • We hope to attend your performance in-person, but do appreciate a link if possible.
  • Questions

  • Upload Supplemental Application Materials

  • This should include your (1) Process Paper and (2) Annotated Bibliography for ALL entries. Be sure to also include your Paper for paper entries.
    Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, docx, doc, Max. file size: 64 MB.
  • Acknowledgement

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.