Working with Historical Evidence - CSPM

Working with Historical Evidence

Evidence: Finding the Facts About General William Jackson Palmer

Primary Source Analysis Activity

By examining  newly unearthed archaeological evidence along with archival materials, students will test assumptions, challenge myths and gain new insights into Palmer and his family. 

In each video CSPM Curator of History, Leah Davis Witherow, provides insight into how historians use evidence to interpret the past.

Download the Evidence Student Activity Guide

Learning Plan

  1. Watch VIDEO #1: Introduction
  2. Students read the exhibit introduction (page 1) and “How do Historians Use Evidence?” (page 2) in the Activity Guide
  3. Students read the background information for MYTH #1 and review the evidence (pages 3-6) – discuss: “Based off of the evidence is this myth true or false?”
  4. Watch VIDEO #2: Myth #1 
    • Repeat for MYTH #2 (pages 7-9) & MYTH #3 (pages 10-13)
  5. Watch VIDEO #5: Conclusion
  6. Review each myth on Page 14 of the Activity Guide
  7. Optional – Watch VIDEO #6: Working with Evidence

Additional Palmer Resources

Digital Children’s Book: Moffat the Rabbit Meets a General, by Christy Howard